Josh the Flamingo

Get to know PixelSweeper Community Vote Nominee: Josh the Flamingo

# Josh the Flamingo: an Introduction

Josh the Flaming is a collection of NFT sets. We will be launching unique sets (not more than 1,000) so our community can always have fresh content.

# PixelSweeper Community Vote

Josh has been nominated by the PixelSweeper community for the chance to have their floor swept (opens new window) from the mint and trading revenue of PixelSweeper.

The vote opens on Jun 6, and the three winning collections will have a total of $50,000 in BNB spent sweeping their floor.

In order to vote you need to have your PixelSweeper NFTs staked at (opens new window)

# Josh the Flamingo Inspiration

One day when the founder went to work, he found Josh on his desk. Josh actually had another friend called Will and they were standing on top of the office desks.

"There was (and still is) a very nice lady called Eve (now I am a good friend of hers), I asked her about the flamingos. She said that their names were Josh and Will. Will was my co-worker and you can guess who Josh is."

# Utility

  • Early mint access (24-hour private mint)
  • Discounts on the minting price
  • Minting reflections to Josh holders

# Rarity and Ranking

We would prefer to have the "Rarity score (opens new window)" as the ranking method on Rareboard.

# Why Build on BNB Chain?

Because they believe the BNBChain has a great potential.

# Official Website (opens new window)

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# Marketplace
