
Get to know Mint on Rareboard: Bitmen

# Bitmen: an Introduction

Bitmen is a collection of 1000 normal men like you and me.

Bitmen is a part of the "BBits" project, created by Josef, which has already experienced two successful collections, Bitpunks and Bitsquads (opens new window).

# Mint Bitmen on Rareboard

Bitmen is now available to Mint and Trade on Rareboard (opens new window), Mint price is 0.2 BNB per Bitmen

1.25% of the volume for all Bitmen minted on Rareboard (opens new window) will be used to sweep the PixelSweeper floor.

PixelSweeper (opens new window)is a collection of 10,000 robots, created by Rareboard, who are busy sweeping the floor on BNBChain and redistributing the swept NFTs back to PixelSweeper holders

Rareboard (opens new window) is an NFT Marketplace Aggregator that lets you find and buy the best NFTs from multiple marketplaces at no extra cost than buying direct on those sites.

Currently 25% of all revenue generated by Rareboard is being used to sweep PixelSweepers. That means you can support the PixelSweeper floor by minting and buying NFTs via (opens new window), at no extra cost to you

# Bitmen Inspiration

The collection is inspired by culture, nature, history, music, fashion. sport, hooliganism, memes, crypto, movies, and traditions. All characters are normal men.

# Bitmen Utility

There is absolutely no utility.

Bitmen, like the two previous collections, are here for the art and the community

# Rarity and Ranking

Some traits are rarer than others, some attributes will be liked more than others. In the end everyone needs to decide on his own, if he goes for statistically rare ones or the graphics he likes.

We have more than 250 different (visible) traits and a handful of 1/1s.

# Why Build on BNB Chain?

BNB Chain is the people’s blockchain.

# Official Website (opens new window)

# Twitter (opens new window)

# Telegram (opens new window)

# Marketplace
