Hobos Homes BSC

Get to know Mint on Rareboard Collection: Hobo Homes BSC

# Introducing: Hobo Homes BSC

10000 hobos are … now getting a roof over their head on Binance blokchain. Did you want a home for your BNB Hobos? Only 1234 available

# Mint Hobo Homes on Rareboard

1234 Hobo Homes are available for the mint.

The mint will start:

  • for WL:

14 July at 18:00 UTC

Price - Free

  • for Public:

15 July 18:00 UTC

Price - 0.015 BNB

1% of the volume of all mints will be used by Rareboard to sweep the PixelSweeper floor.

PixelSweeper (opens new window) is a collection of 10,000 robots, that were created by Rareboard, who are busy sweeping the floor on BNBChain and redistributing the swept NFTs back to PixelSweeper holders.

# Hobo Homes Inspiration

HobosOnBSC was a success and people really liked this version of the Hobotown original collection, so the founder thought why not provide these guys a home.

The Hoboland collection is again a CCO project, so the team decided to create HobosOnBSC Homes, their derivative of the Hoboland collection.

You will see that they added color, Binance elements and even a fence for those hobos that have their pets and do not want them to escape. The ones that do not have pets yet… well, stay tuned.

# Hobos Homes Utility

Community is the best utility of the collection.
We really want to come up with some utility for the project, but a real one that people can actually benefit from.

  • So far they have:
  • Almost non stop giveaways on Twitter
  • Lottery
  • Games weekend
  • Weekly sweeping competition
  • Working everyday to get as many WL spots to upcoming collections as possible

Probably more and unplanned activities will follow.

Remember, they started as a free mint with 0 funds.

# Rarity and Ranking

The same as the first collection, rarity is decided by the traits

# Why Build on BNB Chain?

It's number 1 right now in wallet activity, a great warm community that loves colorful NFTs and do not forget the small gas fees.

# Website

bnbhobos.wtf (opens new window)

# Twitter

twitter.com/bnbhoboswtf (opens new window)

# Telegram

t.me/bnbhoboswtf (opens new window)